Tuesday, 6 January 2009

6 January - Historical Events and Special Celebrations

Flower of the Month


Gemstone of the Month: Garnet

Nomanda’s Happy Special Day blog is a celebration of events and anniversaries that have touched our lives. If today is your special day join us in looking at a few other events that have occurred on your day. Enjoy!

Today is a special day for Nomanda’s brother as it’s his birthday today! He is known in the family either as “Frère Jacques”, because he doesn’t like getting out of bed or the “monkey” because Nomanda’s daughter couldn’t pronounce uncle in her early years! Anyway all the family wishes you a very Happy Birthday and a great day!

Frère Jacques” may be interested to know that he shares his birthday with the same day in 1066 when King Harald was crowned. Sadly he would not wear his crown for long as William the Conqueror came along a few months later and grabbed the crown and country!

The first recorded boxing match took place on this day in 1681. The contestants were the Duke of Albemarle’s butler and the Duke’s butcher. It’s not difficult to imagine how that one started! Something to do with the quality of the meat or short weight would be Nomanda’s guess!

The Beatles
Magical Mystery Tour” album went to the #1spot on this day in 1968 and stayed there for a further 8 weeks. Here’s one of Nomanda’s favourites from the album!

Frere Jacques may be surprised to learn that he shares his birthday with some illustrious personages from the past starting with Joan of Arc 1412 – 1431), the martyred “Maid of Orleans”.

He may be less impressed to discover that he also shares his birthday with the King of the “Moonies”, Sun Myung Moon (1920).

Sadly Frère Jacques does not share Nomanda’s passion for sport so he will be unimpressed to learn that his birthday is shared with Terry Venables (1943) probably one of the worst football coaches of the English team.

I hope he is more impressed that he also shares his birthday with possibly one of rugby’s best fly halfs, Barry John (1945). Check out this try against England and just see if you agree!

One person my brother does like is Rowan Atkinson (1956) and will be delighted to see this Mr Bean clip once again!

Happy Special Day to one and all!!

If you know someone who is celebrating their birthday, anniversary or a special day today or sometime soon why not send them a nice e-card so they get it as soon as they log on! Even better, why not send this page to your friend!
Don’t know what to get for a present? Think about what your special person enjoys doing and the things they like.

For Girls, I know that flowers and chocolates are a bit cliché but nevertheless they always seem to work! Of course, if your budget stretches that far, jewellery, watches, perfume and fashion items are always appreciated!

For Boys, all boys like toys! It’s just as they get older the toys get more expensive. So gadgets and gimmicky things work. Again, if you have the budget then car accessories, sporting equipment and clothes, and man type jewellery like watches and gold chains will go down very well!

And, if all else fails, you could always send them a gift voucher and they can choose whatever they want!

If you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary or other special event today I hope you got lots of cards and presents and that there is someone special in your life who will make this day a very happy and special day for you.

Happy celebrations to you from the Happy Special Day Blog!!

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