Wednesday, 3 December 2008

3 December - Historical Events and Special Celebrations

Gemstone of the Month


Flower of the Month: Paper White

Nomanda’s Happy Special Day blog is a celebration of events and anniversaries that have touched our lives. If today is your special day join us in looking at a few other events that have occurred on your day. Enjoy!

The humble potato made its debut on the English scene on this day in 1586 thanks to the efforts of one Sir Thomas Herriot who brought the plant from Colombia to the shores of England. It was to transform the western world and to be the cause of blights, fights and famines in the years to come. Poor old spud! Nomanda enjoys his potatoes prepared in all sorts of ways but my favourite has to be “Gratin Dauphinois”. Delicious! You can check out how to prepare Nomanda’s favourite potato dish here!

Launched as the panacea for all ailments it was on this day in 1931 that another humble product, Alka Seltzer, first went on sale. Pop a couple of the tablets into a glass of cold water, watch the fizz and gulp it down, and Hey Presto, you’re cured! Taken by people who have over indulged it does the trick for Nomanda! However, my advice is if you think you may have overindulged a little, then take the dose before you go to bed and you’ll wake up the next morning bright eyed and bushy tailed! Magic!

The bright eyes and bushy tailed English wicket keeper, Jack Russell, will remember this day in 1995 when he took 11 catches behind the wicket playing against South Africa. His record still stands and I doubt whether it will ever be beaten!

The evergreen singer Andy Williams (1927) is our first birthday celebrity today. He’s done so much stuff it’s difficult to single out one song, but as Christmas in on its way let’s hear him singing “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” for all the little kiddie winkies out there!

Our next birthday celebrity, Katarina Witt (1965) is happy with the festive weather and with 6 gold medals to her credit she’s skating on ice! Powerful, graceful and lovely, have a look at one of her sparking performances!

Happy Special Day to one and all!!

If you know someone who is celebrating their birthday, anniversary or a special day today or sometime soon why not send them a nice e-card so they get it as soon as they log on! Even better, why not send this page to your friend!
Don’t know what to get for a present? Think about what your special person enjoys doing and the things they like.

For Girls, I know that flowers and chocolates are a bit cliché but nevertheless they always seem to work! Of course, if your budget stretches that far, jewellery, watches, perfume and fashion items are always appreciated!

For Boys, all boys like toys! It’s just as they get older the toys get more expensive. So gadgets and gimmicky things work. Again, if you have the budget then car accessories, sporting equipment and clothes, and man type jewellery like watches and gold chains will go down very well!

And, if all else fails, you could always send them a gift voucher and they can choose whatever they want!

If you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary or other special event today I hope you got lots of cards and presents and that there is someone special in your life who will make this day a very happy and special day for you.

Happy celebrations to you from the Happy Special Day Blog!!

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