Friday, 19 June 2009

19 June - Historical Events and Special Celebrations

Gemstone of the Month


Flower of the Month: Rose

First of all Nomanda would like to thank all our new readers! We have been getting more and more of you every day and we really appreciate you! If you are enjoying Nomanda’s blog please pass it on to your friends. And if you would like to make a comment or get your own special mention on your own special day just send us the details through the comments section and we’ll make sure we don’t forget you!

Nomanda’s Happy Special Day blog is a celebration of events and anniversaries that have touched our lives. If today is your special day join us in looking at a few other events that have occurred on your day. Enjoy!

When you think about it I guess everything has to have a first and be invented by someone but I honestly didn’t think it applied to breakfast cereals. Well it does because it was on this day in 1941 that someone with nothing better to do invented the “O” shaped cereal we all know and love as “Cheerios”. I wonder what inspired him!

One person not worrying about what shaped cereal was in his breakfast bowl created on this day in 1968 by Jim Davies was one of our favourite cartoon characters “Garfield”. He struggles through the daily grind of life with his friends “Nermal”, “Odie” and “Pookie” and suffers most of our normal day to day problems. He hates dieting and Mondays, and is at his most dangerous when he’s bored! Pretty normal cat really!

Garfield” is not a particularly healthy eater and would have had a fit if presented with the heaviest known orange exhibited on this day in 1981 at Nelspruit in South Africa. It weighed in at 2.5 kilos and although Nomanda quite likes oranges I’m not sure I could eat a whole one! However that’s nothing compared to the world’s largest sausage that was completed on this day in 1988 measuring a very respectable 13 miles long! Now that’s something “Garfield” could get his teeth into!

In a judgement of uncharacteristic logic it was on this day in 1987 that the US Supreme Court ruled that schools teaching evolution need not teach creation. It’s either one or the other I guess and Nomanda favours the evolution theory.

Now I know that parents are responsible for the behaviour of their children but there comes a time when you just have to let go. When you do let go then it’s a good idea to make sure they have plenty of money so they don’t go out shoplifting. Poor Mia Farrow, who has more kids than would fit into the school bus, didn’t give two of her daughters enough pocket money because on this day in 1991 they were arrested for shoplifting. They got caught nicking knickers! That’s another thing parents should do, always send their kids out wearing fresh underwear otherwise they’ll have to steal it!

First up for birthday honours today is Salman Rushdie (1945), the author of the “Satanic Verses” and who, shortly after its publication in 1998, has spent the rest of his life in hiding from the threat of the “fatwa” issued by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Sadly the reactions to his work have been the cause of many riots and deaths throughout the Muslim world. Although feelings against Rushdie have softened in the Muslim world over the years, the “fatwa” cannot be rescinded as the only person who is empowered to do that is the person who issued it in the first place, and he is now dead! Tough one!

Our final birthday honours go to Simon Wright (1964) the heavy metal drummer of the group AC/DC. I wonder if they’ve ever played at the Gay Games! Here is one of their best.

Happy Special Day to one and all!!

If you know someone who is celebrating their birthday, anniversary or a special day today or sometime soon why not send them a nice e-card so they get it as soon as they log on! Even better, why not send this page to your friend!
Don’t know what to get for a present? Think about what your special person enjoys doing and the things they like.

For Girls, I know that flowers and chocolates are a bit cliché but nevertheless they always seem to work! Of course, if your budget stretches that far, jewellery, watches, perfume and fashion items are always appreciated!

For Boys, all boys like toys! It’s just as they get older the toys get more expensive. So gadgets and gimmicky things work. Again, if you have the budget then car accessories, sporting equipment and clothes, and man type jewellery like watches and gold chains will go down very well!

And, if all else fails, you could always send them a gift voucher and they can choose whatever they want!

If you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary or other special event today I hope you got lots of cards and presents and that there is someone special in your life who will make this day a very happy and special day for you.

Happy celebrations to you from the Happy Special Day Blog!!

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